Rocko's Modern Life review
Posted : 7 years, 1 month ago on 16 December 2017 09:45 (A review of Rocko's Modern Life)rockos modern life like ren and stimpy despite airing on Nickelodeon was not for kids because it had lots of edgy Adult jokes some that were even banned a oxs arms fall off after using arm crunchers heffer gets a nose bleed rocko smashes and kills a frog with a hammer off screen a doctors bed is seen with blood dripping from it rocko gets beat up by a dog and his tail is all mangled and he has a bloody nose rocko hopes to catch a baseball in his catchers mitt but catches a severed head instead really really big man throws a kid into the sun by accident and really really big man rips peoples arms off in one episode heffer goes to hell Aka heck and a bird is seen smoking and coughs up his heart and falls over dies and theres lots of dark humor theres a sign seen on a rv that says touch my guns and ill kill you and then its implied the guy driving the rv ran over a character filburt and rocko play a videogame and filburts character kills rockos character and he starts laughing psychotically a chicken named karen applies at chokey chicken then theres a package of chicken that is shown that says hi my names karen on it and in the christmas episode a living tree dies and they kick mr big head in the ground in a trash can and theres some very dark episodes like in one episode heffer goes to hell but its called heck rocko thinks mrs big head killed mr big head rockos car dies and meets the grim tow truck and rocko and heffer think they killed filburts bird the creator even confirmed it was not for kids in a interveiw he said they just thought of it as a cartoon lovers show but then the network started coming down on content and they had to censor a lot of stuff but it was originally not made for kids it was a very twisted and classic show for older teens and adults
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The Ren & Stimpy Show review
Posted : 7 years, 1 month ago on 16 December 2017 09:38 (A review of The Ren & Stimpy Show)ren and stimpy despite airing on Nickelodeon was not for kids because it had lots of sexual innuendo had very graphic vilonce like bleeding intestines eyeballs hearts and kidneys all being thrown up into the air and in one episode ren and stimpys heads are seen impaled on spears with there entrails hanging out characters smoke cigars and cigarettes and characters are seen with alcohol in some episodes one episode has a part that takes place in a bar and one character is seen drinking out of a jug of moonshine and acts drunk ren is a sadistic sociopath who beats up and tries to kill stimpy one whole episode is about hanging and they sing a very dark song called the lord loves a hanging theres one episode were ren and stimpy go to hell and characters say there going to kill themselves and say there going to go end it all its a very twisted and classic show for older teens and adults
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